Monday, March 23, 2009

Love the Little People!

We LOVE the Little People Playsets! I remember my Little People house from the 80's (think we still have it in a box at my parent's house) and how often I would sit and play with it. I remember the doorbell rang and all the little furniture to place!

Well, I just opened the new castle for the kids and we now have a farm and castle set up in our den. The castle has trumpets that sound and a drawbridge and the farm make animal noises when you put the animals in the stall! We have kings, cavemen, roosters, dinosaurs and dragons and a princess driving a tractor! This is too much fun...

Sweet Savannah settles for playing with the "old" farm while Michael hogged the new castle! She was just happy to have at least one toy to herself.

Oh yeah, Michael still LOVES the blocks! He built this one by himself, almost as tall as he is, and fantastic to knock down lol!

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